Feature articles


Meiller Aufzugtüren GmbH has been offering professional solutions for modernisation for many years. As a result, it has developed many concepts, such as car doors with skates, which have been adapted to third-party landing doors or even to its own earlier generations of doors. At the 2017 interlift, Meiller presented a new product in its line of modernisation solutions: the Compact door series.

Read more in the LIFTjournal 4/2018

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At last year’s interlift in October, the innovative firm Meiller Aufzugtüren GmbH from Munich presented its forward-looking MiDrive door drive.

Read more in the LIFT-REPORT 4/2018

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Meiller Aufzugtüren, the innovative company from Munich, has been supplying vertical doors for retrofit car door installations for many years now, in the form of the Premius K4 four-panel telescopic lifting gate and the Genius Plus roller shutter door. With the Premius S4 lifting gate, Meiller is able to install lifting gates to lift systems on both the landing and the car sides. They are being fitted with great success in new installations as well as for modernisation.

Read more in the LIFT-REPORT 2/2018

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Lifts always used to be designed to give a minimum of 15-20 years of faithful service. However, as long as they enjoy proper maintenance and regular servicing and, of course, they are not subjected to improper use, the service life of a lift can be significantly extended. But the point will still come, when a lift starts to show its age, either by its appearance or in terms of technical performance. Since more than half of all lifts installed in Germany are now more than 25 years old, the rapid increase in the rate of lift modernization in recent years should come as no surprise.

Read more in the LIFT-REPORT 3/2018

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A new legal framework entered into effect for the new regulation of explosion protection in Europe on 20 April 2016 in the form of the ATEX Directive 2016/34/EU. The previously applicable Directive 94/9/ EC became invalid with the entry into force of its successor. Meiller has now adjusted its current product line accordingly and can provide solutions for explosion zones 2/22 and 1/21.

Read more in the LIFTjournal 3/2018

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SME component manufacturers in the lift sector should grapple with the subject of digitalisation as a matter of urgency, according to Wolfgang Nothaft. The managing director of Meiller-Aufzugtüren warns, “If they don’t take part in this development now, they’ll soon be engaged in a game of catch-up.”

Read more in the LIFTjournal 2/2018

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The prime motivation for studying the life cycle assessment of lift doors was to obtain a basic understanding of the subject of life cycle assessment and to learn the significant parameters throughout the service life of lift doors. In this way it was intended to gather initial experience with the handling and implementation of life cycle assessments, to establish a way of calculating the effort required for this and in the final analysis to identify the relevant means of adjustment.

Read more in the LIFT-REPORT 2/2018

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Effective lift door safety system - for lift users with electric scooters as well as for lift operators.

Read more in the AUFWÄRTS 2/2017

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Meiller Aufzugtüren presented its new door drive concept MiDrive at the interlift 2017. These doors can be controlled with a QR code and app.

Read more in LIFTjournal 1/2018

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